Mental Health, Outside

Adventure Recovery Clinical is an evolution of the AR model — a therapeutic approach in natural settings that facilitates connection, holistic healing, and growth. The AR Clinical model provides a distinctive, life-based eco-therapeutic approach to clinical care for mental health obstacles, substance use concerns, dependency and addiction, and behavioral challenges. The collaborative process engages the client in a highly empowerment-based method to self-reflect, determine desired outcomes, and reach their goals. With AR Clinical, the client directs their evolution in a compassionate, co-creative space with AR providers.

The Adventure Recovery Clinical Care Approach

Our approach to therapy empowers clients to tap into their capacity for healing. Through the therapeutic relationship, we co-create a compassionate space to explore the internal wilderness with a clear sense of connection and conscientious care. Clients learn to identify and follow their inner wisdom and capacity, which supports their confidence, self-esteem, and identification of self. This is where the healing happens, and we support our clients every step of the way.

In a traditional treatment model, the medical/clinical arm informs, steers, and may even dictate programming. We do things a little differently at Adventure Recovery. The “nature as healer” model of AR’s peer-based approach remains the guiding principle for AR Clinical. The client is treated, not as someone who is broken and needs fixing, or as a diagnosis, but rather as a whole, powerful person of agency who can navigate and take charge of their own well-being.

We do not define ourselves by our diagnosis, ever. Diagnoses are simply a part of our experience, and we apply this awareness to our clients. It is a part of who we are, and we apply this awareness to our clients.

What Do We Mean by Mental Health, Outside?

In the Adventure Recovery Clinical therapy practice, licensed AR clinicians meet with clients for individual sessions in a natural, outdoor environment and engage in nature walks, hikes, paddleboarding, or other outdoor activities conducive to the therapeutic process. The clinician develops the individualized care plan with the client (and potentially with the client’s family depending on age,) to ensure that the breadth of in-house expertise is applied.

Adventure Recovery clinicians utilize intentional time in nature to work with clients in a dynamic way. We apply evidence-based therapeutic methods such as CBT, motivational interviewing, family systems awareness, attachment theory, eco-therapy, and somatic awareness practices while drawing on the power of nature-based experiences aids in the healing process.

Clients who engage in Adventure Recovery Clinical (ARC) have the opportunity to take advantage of the skills-based mentorship and coaching to learn new tools and practices that support their long-term well-being. By adding half- or full-day skills instruction (rock climbing, whitewater, surfing, etc.) clients augment their clinical therapeutic work and develop comprehensive and sustainable lifelong pathways for growth.

Adventure Recovery’s Commitment to Collaborative Care

Mental healthcare takes devoted compassion, time, and dedication. The AR team is deeply committed to holding each client thoughtfully through the process. Healing and staying well requires commitment from client and practitioner, accountability, and integrated results. Clinicians and clients agree upon an investment and commitment from the client (and potential family members) to work toward goals, spending time in positive engagement to ensure the process is on track with individual goals and the AR approach to outcomes.

“A wide range of recent medical and mental health studies reveal the incredibly positive benefits time in nature can have on a person’s physical and emotional well-being. This impact is leveraged with this Adventure Recovery offering. By bringing traditional talk therapy outdoors, we activate vital therapeutic biochemical aspects that aid significantly in conversation, openness, and capacity for vulnerability. What’s more, we also draw on the positive teachings and interconnectedness we share with nature. In this practice, both nature and human beings serve as therapists and guides, assisting the client toward greater healing and positive change. This is incredibly powerful work.”—Josh Flaherty, LMSW, Executive Director of Adventure Recovery

Adventure Recovery Clinical Model

The Adventure Recovery team consists of clinicians and counselors who are trained in the AR approach, accessing the best of traditional therapy and clinical components, to devise and facilitate an individualized care plan for each client. Professional AR Guide training combined with clinical credentials and coaching expertise leads to a robust offering. In addition, integrating somatic teachings with cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and mindfulness-based awareness practices in the outdoors, our practitioners apply customized protocols for each client. We ensure our mission of positive empowerment is sustained providing a beneficial continuum for those we serve.

AR clients consist of all ages and include professionals in the field, families in need of support, veterans and active military, and anyone seeking therapeutic time outdoors. This is why we go.

Call us any time at 1-888-710-7017 or email